

09:00 - 21:00


09:00 - 21:00

Boem Club Pianos it’s offering prizes worth 8.000 Euros

at the National Piano Contest “Musica Mundi”

Between 24 of March and 2nd of April 2017, Boem Club Pianos, the largest store of pianos and acoustic upright pianos in Romania, is organizing the 4th edition of the National Piano Contest “Musica Mundi”, event within which the total value of prizes exceeds 8,000 Euros.

Unlike the previous editions, the IVth edition of the National Piano Contest “Musica Mundi” will take place at national level and it will be divided in two main categories: the amateur contest, at which can sign up both children and youth aged between 4 and 18, who are studying piano in private, and the professional contest, at which can sign up both children and youth aged between 7 and 18, who are studying piano in music schools and music high schools.

As a novelty in piano competitions, Bohemian Club Pianos, the organizer of this event offers prizes worth 8.000 Euro.

The grand prize for the amateur category will be an acoustic upright piano worth 3.000 Euros and at the professional category, the winner of the grand prize will receive a Perzina acoustic upright piano, worth 5.000 Euros.

Beside that, the contestants will have the chance to win various surprise prizes, diplomas and medals.

The jury will be composed of personalities in the field of piano, from outside Romania: musicians, experts in this field and so on.

The registration for the National Piano Contest “Musica Mundi” can be made until the 30 of November 2016, following afterwards, that the ones already enrolled in the competition to send until February 2017 the repertoire that they will prepare for this competition.

The contact person for the registrations at the National Piano Contest “Musica Mundi”:

Denisa Petrean, PR Specialist

Phone number: 0768.300.396; E-mail:

The Contest Rules can be accessed at:

More on the previous editions of the “Musica Mundi” Contest at the following link:

About Boem Club Pianos

Starting with September 2016, Boem Club (, the largest private music school în Bucharest, has extended its service offer for the sales of musical instruments and opened the largest piano store and acoustic upright piano in Romania, called the Bohemian Club Pianos.

The store is opening following the partnership between the company Bol Pianos & Grand Pianos from Netherlands and Bohemian Club. Thus, the main supplier of the Bohemian Club is Bol Pianos, which owns the largest showroom of pianos in Europe, with a permanent stock of approx. 1500 upright pianos and approx. 150 grand piano.